Skin Tightening

What is Skin Tightening?

Age, sun damage, hormonal changes and stress can cause loss of elasticity and sagging skin, resulting in a prematurely-aged look.  These conditions can be safely treated with Skin Tightening by Alma Harmony XL.  This virtually painless procedure uses pulses of non-invasive light to safely address skin laxity for all skin types in both women and men.  Pulses of near-infrared light bypass the upper layer of skin, causing micro-thermal injuries in the dermal layer, resulting in new collagen and elastin formation.  This leads to improvement in the look of fine lines, wrinkles, texture, and more.   For those wanting to address the first signs of aging but aren’t yet ready for more invasive treatments, skin tightening is the perfect starting point for rejuvenated, luminous skin!  A series of treatments spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart is recommended to achieve your best results.  Results may be subtle and cumulative, and will become more apparent over the course of your treatments as skin gradually becomes firmer and healthier-looking.

What to expect during your treatment?

After assessing your skin and screening for any conditions that could rule out treatment, the areas to be treated will be gently cleansed and prepped.  Proper protective eyewear will be used during the entire procedure.  Your technician will apply a layer of gel to your skin and as the treatment begins, you will start to feel warm pulses flowing into your skin.  Heat gradually builds as pulses of light energy are delivered into your skin until each area is fully treated.  After all traces of gel are removed, your skin will be cleansed, a soothing serum and a protective sunscreen will be applied, and you’re good to go for the rest of the day.  Makeup can be applied almost immediately after treatment as well.  Most treatments take 45-50 minutes, making this an easy procedure to fit into a busy schedule.

How to prepare for your treatment?

All anti-aging products that you are currently using should be discontinued at least one week prior to your scheduled appointment, such as retinoids and alpha or beta hydroxy acids.  Exposure to the sun, tanning beds, and application of self-tanner should be avoided for a minimum of 2 weeks before your treatment.  In addition, intense workouts or saunas should be avoided the day of your visit, as this can cause increased inflammation and warmth in the skin.  Do not wax, as this can remove a layer of skin cells and increase your risk of adverse reactions.  Please arrive with minimal or no makeup, and inform the office a few days before your appointment if you are prone to cold sores, as anti-viral medication is recommended prior to your visit.  If you have an active cold sore, your appointment will need to be rescheduled until it is completely resolved.  Please also inform your technician if you have any facial tattoos or microbladed brows, as these areas will need to be avoided.  Men will need to shave any facial hair in areas where treatment is desired prior to their visit.

How will my skin look after treatment?

Most patients will experience some slight redness that will diminish after a few hours.  Your skin may feel slightly swollen, and some patients claim their skin feels tighter immediately after treatment.  Most patients will notice a gradual tightening in their skin as collagen and elastin are formed over the next 2-3 weeks.  Broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is required immediately after and daily between appointments to protect your skin, as treated areas will be more sensitive to the sun.  Most patients experience little to no downtime after Skin Tightening, making this an ideal treatment when you want results without peeling or intense redness.

Aftercare with Skin Tightening

As your skin may be more sensitive to anti-aging or acne products after any type of light-based treatment, we recommend that you wait a couple of days after treatment to resume them.  A gentle cleanser and hydrating serum or mild moisturizer are recommended to ensure that you don’t cause additional irritation as your skin returns to normal.  While not usual, any blistering or scabbing should be reported to our office immediately.  It is essential you do not pick at your skin if this occurs, which can increase your chances of infection or causing dark spots.  Once your skin feels back to normal, you should be fine to resume your regular skin care routine.  And remember, broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher must be worn daily and excessive sun exposure is discouraged during your series of treatments.  This will ensure you are protecting the investment you are making in your skin.

What other procedures does Skin Tightening pair well with?

Skin Tightening with the Alma Harmony XL can be alternated with other treatments such as IPL Photofacial, Laser Genesis V™, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, or SkinPen® microneedling, and can be part of a facial rejuvenation plan including injectables such as Botox® or Dysport®, and facial fillers like Juvéderm® or Restylane®.  Let the team at Tru-Skin Dermatology help you formulate a treatment plan to put your best face forward!

Skin Tightening FAQ:

Who is Skin Tightening for?

Anyone who wants to tighten and rejuvenate their skin with virtually no downtime is the perfect candidate for Skin Tightening, as all skin types can be safely treated.  This treatment is also a perfect procedure for those looking for a way to stay on top of those first signs of aging.   Flawless looking skin can easily be achieved through a series of treatments.

Who is not a good candidate for Skin Tightening?

Anyone who is pregnant or nursing is not a good candidate for lasers or light therapy.  In addition, if you have been using isotretinoin (Accutane) within the past 12 months, please advise your technician, as this medication interferes with your skin’s ability to heal itself.  Also, if you are currently taking any light-sensitizing medications like certain types of antibiotics, or herbal supplements that may cause your skin to be sensitive to the sun, you will need to wait until they are out of your system to begin your treatments.  Patients with more advanced signs of aging may not see dramatic results with Skin Tightening, and may be better candidates for more invasive procedures paired with this treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

A series of 6-9 treatments spaced 3-4 weeks apart are initially recommended for best results, but your technician can help determine what course of treatment is best for your individual needs.  Results are cumulative.  Building collagen in your skin takes time, so the final results from your treatments may not be seen for a month or two.

How long does each treatment take?

Depending on the areas being treated, most sessions take 45-50 minutes.

What areas can be treated?

Skin Tightening with the Alma Harmony XL is mainly indicated for use on the face and neck.  This device is not as effective on other areas of the body which require different energy levels to treat successfully.

How long will my results last?

Depending on the person and the skin conditions being treated, results may last 6-12 months or longer.  Periodic treatments are recommended to maintain and stimulate new collagen.  For the best results in keeping the benefits of Skin Tightening, daily sun protection and a skin care routine using medical-grade skin care products is recommended.  Tru-Skin Dermatology can assist you in setting up a customized skin care regimen to target your individual needs.  We carry several lines of professional products to help you achieve your best skin possible.  Call us today to begin your journey to healthier looking skin!


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